Friday 21 July 2017

Hard work never fails,

Let me make it clear at the outset that this article has nothing to do with UPSC preparation. As a trainer for civil services exam, it’s by reflex that I start analysing the personalities of people in public life. Our Prime Minister Narendra Modi weaves a new magic every day, not only in India but also globally as he meets world leaders with poise and sophistication. After alighting from an international flight, he walks into public meetings, official meetings with his foreign counterparts without stopping for even a short rest while we lesser mortals have jetlags and a day goes in trying to acclimatise to the surroundings, Modiji is continuously in public contact, be it ‘Mann ki Baat’ or visiting different States or countries.
Yes, I have heard that he has a team which does the homework for him. But it is he who has to deliver, travel nationally and internationally adjusting to different cultures and lifestyles. One day he is in Odisha and the next day he could be in the United States. He cuts across all barriers of language and space when he connects with people. I don’t think I can compare him with any of Indian leaders or even international ones. Barrak Obama comes close as a comparison point in terms of energy, but he was much younger and had more exposure to politics at an younger age as also belonged to the most developed country in the world. As far as our leaders, maybe I can compare with Indira Gandhi, but again she was groomed by Pandit Nehru at a very young age and belonged to a family with international exposure. Even then keeping in mind the technology of those times, one can say that she had less exposure nationally and globally. Her presence was charismatic. Modiji comes from the grassroots and the masses.

Modiji an enigma
It’s indeed a mystery as to where he derives this kind of energy that is taking him ahead and ahead. There are many conjunctions like ‘power steroid’, blessings of the divine mother Ambaji, yoga or and his experiences as a ‘Parivrajak’. Modiji happens to be a senior citizen now. It’s said that when leaders acquire power, that acts as a steroid to keep going. Power, be it political or any other form, gives a big time high to the person and increases his energy levels. It’s like a multiplier effect. When people who suddenly lose elections or lose the power in any other way, immediately their personalities change; the charisma goes; and sometimes, they fall ill too. It is immediately reflected on their faces. Having divine grace is a must whatever religion or cult one may belong too. And yoga is certainly an energy booster if understood in the right sense. It has become a fad in India and is used as a physical exercise and not as it should be seen as a uniting force between the body and the mind. I am sure Modiji has gone deep into it. The most important experience which must have helped him is that of a Parivrajak where a person leaves home and travels to all the nooks and corners of a country gathering experience and lives like an ascetic. Again, I understand that he spent over a decade as a Parivrajak covering the entire India. Along with leading a dispassionate life, he must have felt the pulse of true India and its problems. No other experience or degree can compare with this. Behind his success it could be a combination of all the above-mentioned factors.
Emerging from the masses, the way he has carved out a space for himself in global affairs is not an easy job. As citizens when we watch him on TV, it may seem like a piece of cake, but it’s a lot of hard work while one is dealing with top leaders across cultures. Everything matters, from a handshake to a smile. I am sure we could classify Modiji into an ‘Á’ personality, ambitious and aggressive, while surprisingly he maintains his cool at all times. He is perfect and apt in his dressing style, body language and voice intonation and has emerged as a nationalist leader going all the way to protect the interest of India.
There is a lot to learn from Modiji in whichever sphere of life one belongs to as how to keep our feet on the ground while keeping our head high. Nationalistic fervour is also to be emphasized

Hard work never fails,
Sriram Mallireddy .

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