Tuesday 27 November 2018

communication questions for ugc net

1. When we say that communication is intentional, it means that
(a) Sender consciously intends to affect the behaviour of receiver of the message
(b) Effective communication is a process of acting on information
(c) Through speech communication, people make sense of the world
 (d) None of the above

2. Communication is the transfer and understanding of
 (a) Ideas (b) Concepts (c) Meaning (d) Words

3. Which of the following can be termed as the ‘context’ of communication?
(a) An interference with message reception (b) Effective communication
 (c) Verbal and non-verbal responses to messages
 (d) A physical and psychological environment for conversation

4. Which of the following is Berlo’s Linear Model of communication?
 (a) S-M-R-C (b) S-M-C-R (c) S-R-M-C (d) S-R-C-M

5. Who among the following has stated that people know each other and themselves only through communication?
(a) George Herbert Mead (b) Mahatma Gandhi (c) Martin Luther King (d) None of above

 6. The ability to communicate effectively
(a) Depends on the education level (b) Is a natural talent that cannot be learned
 (c) Always depends upon the use of technology (d) Can be learned

7. If it is assumed that communication has no beginning or end, it is termed as
 (a) Mediation (b) Process (c) Interaction (d) Transaction

8. The essential components of communication are
 (a) Source, message, interference, channel, receiver, feedback, and context
(b) Sign, source, destination, interaction, and correlation
(c) Signs, symbols, understanding, communication, and communicant
 (d) Symbols, understanding, purpose, ideas, opinions, non-verbal, and reaction

9. Which of the following feature is applicable in context of interpersonal communication?
 (a) Forgivable (b) Forgettable (c) Reversible (d) Irreversible

10. Two-way communication becomes effective
 (a) Never (b) Always (c) Rarely (d) None of the above

11. A message can only be deemed effective when
(a) Good communication skills are used (b) Repeated back as proof of understanding
(c) Understood by receiver and produces the desired response
 (d) Delivered in interpersonal communication

12. Learning to communicate with others is key to
 (a) Eliminating listeners’ all physiological noises (b) Never being misunderstood
 (c) Establishing rewarding relationships (d) All of the above

13. During the communication process, the message is converted to a symbolic form, called
 (a) Decoding (b) Encoding (c) Deciphering (d) Expanding

14. One’s own description as a person is
 (a) Self-concept (b) Self-perception
(c) Self-awareness (d) Self-respect

15. Which of the following term describes the communication between two people that involves sending and receiving of messages?
 (a) Decoding (b) Encoding (c) Transaction (d) Dyadic

16. Which of the following is the essence of effective communication?
 (a) Message (b) Feedback (c) Encoding (d) Decoding

17. People who engage in frank and open expression of their feelings are considered
 (a) Aggressive (b) Rude (c) Assertive (d) Inconsiderate

18. A low context culture is one where
(a) Most of the information is unspoken
 (b) Most of the information is explicitly stated in a verbal message
 (c) Most of the information is apparent
(d) Most of the information is non-existent

 19. A high-context culture is one where
(a) Much of the information is about the context or about the person
(b) Much of the information is spoken
 (c) Most people use sign language
(d) Much of the information is unspoken

20. A good communicator is one who offers his/ her audience
 (a) Plentiful of information (b) A good amount of statistics
(c) Concise proof (d) Repetition of facts

21. Which of the following steps would you consider first for an effective communication?
 (a) Select the channel of communication (b) Plan the evaluation procedure
(c) Specify the objectives of communication (d) Identify various media for communication

22. The primary channels used by individuals to communicate with others are
 (a) Radio and television (b) E-mail (c) Tone of voice (d) Sight and sound

23. Encoding is important to
 (a) Encourage feedback (b) Eliminate noise (c) Produce messages (d) Ensure decoding of message

24. Communication will be effective
(a) If it is delivered slowly and clearly (b) If it is delivered in a calm situation
(c) If it reaches the receiver completely (d) If it reaches the receiver as intended by the sender

 25. Which of the three components are parts of the human communication process?
(a) Message, recording, and feedback (b) Noise, feedback, and jargon
(c) Message, noise, and feedback (d) Feedback, message, and critiquing

26. Words are
 (a) Connotative (b) Denotative (c) Symbols (d) Unnecessary

27. Emoticons are
(a) Emotional conference (b) Specifically expressive bodily gestures
(c) Emotional queries (d) Typed symbols that communicate facial expressions

28. In the communication process, ‘to encode’ means to
(a) translate ideas into a code
 (b) interpret a code
 (c) block a pathway between the sender and receiver of a message
(d) speak to large groups of people

 29. A person is more likely to use eye contact while
(a) listening (b) uninterested in communication (c) speaking (d) interpreting

30. Feedback is
(a) a situation in which the sender and the receiver exchange information
 (b) confined to the verbal form of communication.
(c) confined to the written form of communication
(d) None of the above

31. Listening is said to be adversely affected by
 (a) speaker’s fast speed of delivery of words
 (b) message loaded with too much of information
 (c) improper selection and use of media
(d) All of the above

32. Which of the following terms is closely related to feedback?
 (a) Brainstorming (b) Heuristics (c) Cybernetics (d) None of the above

 33. Feedback is a listener’s
(a) Verbal critique of your message (b) Acceptance of a message
 (c) Verbal or non-verbal responses to a message (d) Aversion to a message

34. When we try to organize details in our minds, we are seeking to
(a) Produce new ideas in our mind (b) Process complex information and then categorize it
 (c) Categorize difficult and easy pieces of information (d) Process simple information and categorize

35. Which is ‘feedback’ in newspaper’s communication?
(a) Articles (b) Editorials (c) Letters to the Editor (d) News