Sunday 18 November 2018

Teaching aptitude question paper

1. Which of the following is/are the basic paradigms in classroom teaching?
(a) Learning paradigm
(b) Instructional paradigm
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above

2. The prime requirement to become a good teacher is to have
(a) Genuine interest in teaching
(b) Knowledge about controlling students
(c) Subject knowledge
(d) Good expression

3. Which of the following statement/s is/are NOT true?
 (a) Teaching is just an art
(b) Teachers can be trained only
(c) Teachers are born
(d) All of the above

4. The most desirable skill of teacher is to
(a) Make the students understand what the teacher says
(b) Cover the prescribed course
(c) Keep students relaxed while teaching
(d) Keep higher authorities informed about the class activities

5. Match List I with List II
 List I                                   List II
 (Level of teaching) (Main proponent)
A Memory Level I                   Herbart
B Understanding Level II       Morrison
C Reflective Level III               Hunt
(a) A-I, B-II, C-III
(b) A-I, B-III, C-II
(c) A-II, B-III, C-I
(d) A-II, B-I, C-III

6. Which of the following is the sequence of different levels of teaching?
(a) Memory level–understanding level– reflective level
(b) Understanding level–memory level– reflective level
(c) Reflective level–understanding level– memory Level
(d) Memory level–reflective level–understanding level

7. Which of the following is an independent variable in teaching–learning process?
(a) Teacher
(b) Student
(c) Institution
(d) Parents

8. Which of the following method should be used by each teacher?
(a) Analytical–synthetic
(b) Synthetic–analytical
(c) Only analytical
(d) Only synthetic

9. Match List I with List II 
List I (Teaching maxims) List II (Main proponents) 
A From whole to part I Gestalt psychologists 
B Self-study               II Dalton 
C Training of senses III Montessori and Froebel
(a) A-I, B-II, C-III
(b) A-I, B-III, C-II
(c) A-II, B-III, C-I
(d) A-II, B-I, C-III

10. Which of the following reflects the nature of teaching?
(a) It is an art.
(b) It is a science.
(c) It is an art as well as science.
(d) It is neither art nor science.

11. Which of the following orders are the three levels of teaching?
 (i) Memory level of teaching 
(ii) Understanding level of teaching
 (iii) Reflective level of teaching 
(iv) Pedagogical level of teaching
(a) (i), (ii), and (iii)
(b) (ii), (iii), and (iv)
(c) (i), (iii), and (iv)
(d) (i), (ii), and (iv)

12. Nowadays, teaching is becoming more and more
(a) Learner-centred
(b) Instructor-centred
(c) Group-centred
(d) None of the above

13. When the learner is self-directed, it is termed as
(a) Pedagogical learning
(b) Andragogical learning
(c) Distance education learning
(d) None of the above

14. Instructional objectives are written for the student and they state what the student is expected to do. These objectives should be
(a) Specific
(b) Observable
(c) Measurable
(d) All of the above

15. In context of dynamic teaching environment, which of the following statement is true?
(a) Teacher is a dependent variable and student is an independent variable.
(b) Teacher is an independent variable and student is a dependent variable.
(c) Both teacher and student are intervening variables. (d) None of the above

16. At which of the following teaching levels, classroom environment is required to be sufficiently ‘open and independent’?
(a) Memory level
(b) Understanding level
(c) Reflective level
(d) All of the above
17. What is meant by the term ‘curriculum’?
(a) The subject of study offered by an educational institution.
(b) Organized whole of learning and other experiences provided by educational institutions to realize set goals. 
(c) The prescribed syllabi in the various subjects, plus practical courses and project/dissertation.
(d) Theory and practical courses to be completed to qualify for a level of education.

18. The classification of cognitive domain was presented by
(a) Benjamin S. Bloom
(b) Skinner
(c) Krathwohl
(d) Simpson

19. To make use of previously learned material in new situation is
(a) Comprehension
(b) Application
(c) Knowledge
(d) Analysis

20. The highest level of cognitive domain is
(a) Synthesis
(b) Analysis
(c) Comprehension
(d) Evaluation

21. At authoritarian level, teaching is
(a) Teacher-centred
(b) Child-centred
(c) Headmaster-centred
(d) Experience-based

22. Match List I with List II
List I (Characteristic) List II (Philosophy)
 A Learning by doing      I Naturalism
 B Education through
Environment                 II Idealism
 C Realization of truth,
beauty, and goodness   III Pragmatism
 D ‘World as it is here
and now’                      IV Realism Codes:
(a) A-I, B-IV, C-II, D-III
b) A-III, B-I, C-II, D-IV
(c) A-I, B-III, C-II, D-IV
d) A-III, B-II, C-IV, D-I

23. The intellectual skills are reflected by
(a) Cognitive domain
(b) Affective domain
(c) Psychomotor domain
(d) None of the above

24. Attitudes, values, and interests are reflected by
(a) Cognitive domain
(b) Affective domain
(c) Psychomotor domain
(d) None of the above

25. Which domain is concerned with physical and motor skills?
(a) Cognitive domain
(b) Affective domain
(c) Psychomotor domain
(d) None of the above

26. Which of the following can be cited as an example of cognitive domain?
(a) Describe a specific topic
(b) Develop a photographic film
(c) Typing an essay
(d) Take responsibility for maintenance

27. Which of the following can be taken as an example of psychomotor domain in the context of teaching?
(a) demonstrates awareness to environmental pollution 
(b) performing an experiment
(c) computing results of two experiments
(d) narrating a story

28. Which of the following statements is false?
(a) Teaching and instruction are the same concepts.
(b) There is difference between teaching and learning.
(c) Education is a wider term than teaching, training, research, etc.
(d) All of the above are true.

29. Teaching is based upon the mastery of
(a) Knowledge of concepts
(b) Teaching skills
(c) Decision-making skills
(d) All of the above

30. Who has the least chance of becoming an effective teacher?
(a) One who is a strict disciplinarian
(b) One who knows his subject well
(c) One who has no interest in teaching
(d) One who teaches moral values

31. Which of the following is/are the teaching maxims? 
(i) From psychological to logical
(ii) From analysis to synthesis
 (iii) From concrete to abstract
(iv) Follow nature
(a) (i), (ii), and (iii)
(b) (i), (ii), and (iv)
(c) (i), (iii), and (iv)
(d) All of the above

32. Analysis means
(a) Ability to break a problem into its constituent parts
 (b) To combine the constituent parts
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above

33. The rules of presenting the contents to make them easy are called
(a) Methods of teaching
(b) Maxims of teaching
(c) Techniques of teaching
(d) Teaching strategies

34. With smaller classes, teachers are much more able to
(a) Identify learning problems
(b) Provide individual attention
(c) Adapt instruction to individual differences among students
(d) All of the above

35. The single most important factor in the beginning of the teaching career is
(a) Meritorious academic record
(b) Communication skills
(c) One’s personality and ability to relate to class and students
(d) Organizing ability

36. Effective teaching, by and large, is a function of
(a) Maintaining discipline in the class
(b) Teachers’ honesty
(c) Teachers making students learn and understand
(d) Teachers’ liking for the job of teaching

37. In List I, the names of the philosophers are given, and in List II, statements regarding the philosophy are given. Match List I with List II in correct order:
List I (Characteristic) List II (Philosophy)
A Tagore                  I Harmonious development of personality
 B Vivekananda       II The doctrine of karma
C Mahatma Gandhi III Child is more,important  than all kinds of books
 D Buddhism           IV Yoga as a method of education
                                V The doctrine of dharma Codes:
(a) A-V, B-I C-II D-IV
(b) A-III, B-IV, C-II D-V
(c) A-III, B-IV, C-I D-II
(d) A-IV, B-II, C-I D-III

38. Who said this ‘Education is man-making. It is that by which character is formed, strength of mind is increased, intellect is expanded and by which man can stand on his own feet’?
(a) Swami Vivekananda
(b) Guru Rabindranath Tagore
(c) Swami Dayanand Saraswati
(d) None of these

39. Prior to teaching, the teacher does
(a) Identification of objectives
(b) Preparation of teaching lesson plan
(c) Know the interest of students
(d) All of the above

40. Effective teaching includes
(a) Teacher is active but students may or may not be active
(b) Teacher may be active or inactive but students are active
(c) Teacher is active and students are active
(d) All of the above

41. The most expected immediate outcome of teaching is
(a) Changes in the behaviour of students in desirable direction
(b) Development of total personality of students
(c) Building characters of the students
(d) Getting selected for a suitable job

42. Basic requirement of teaching efficiency is
(a) Mastery on teaching skills
(b) Mastery over use of different techniques of teaching 
(c) Mastery over appropriate use of media and technology in teaching
(d) All of the above

43. Which of the following statements is NOT correct?
(a) A good communicator cannot be a good teacher
(b) A good communicator has good sense of humour
(c) A good communicator has wide reading knowledge
 (d) A good communicator has command over language

44. A teacher is successful only if he
(a) Knows his subject thoroughly well
(b) Produces cent per cent result
(c) Is approachable
(d) Publishes papers in journals of repute.

45. If a teacher wants to enhance his income, he should (a) Teach in coaching institutes during extra time
(b) Take more remunerative works in the school/college (c) Join contractual assignments other than teaching
(d) Write books

46. As a principal, you will encourage your teacher colleagues to
(a) Participate in seminars and conferences in India and abroad
(b) Participate in refresher courses for enhancement of subject knowledge
(c) Doing community services for the upliftment of down trodden
(d) All of the above

47. Which of the following activities can help a teacher inculcate social and moral values among the students? (a) Delivering lectures on values
(b) Showing TV programmes
(c) Involving students actively in co-curricular activities (d) Observing religious festivals

48. A teacher will become an effective communicator if
(a) He uses instructional aids
(b) He helps students get meaning out of what he teaches
(c) He asks question in between teaching
(d) He helps students get correct answer to the questions on the topic

49. Teaching in higher education implies
(a) Presenting the information given in the textbook
(b) Asking question in the class and conducting examinations
(c) Helping students prepare for and pass the examination
(d) Helping students to learn

50. Teaching will be effective if the teacher
(a) Is the master of the subject
(b) Has much experience in teaching the subject
(c) Starts from what students know already
(d) Uses many instructional aids 

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