Thursday 6 December 2018


51. Who designed the first electronics computer—ENIAC?
(a) Van-Neumann
(b) Joseph M. Jacquard
(c) J. Presper Eckert and John W. Mauchly
(d) None of the above

52. The hexadecimal number system consists of the symbols
(a) 0–7
(b) 0–9, A–F
(c) 0–7, A–F
(d) None of the above

53. The binary equivalent of (-15)10 is (two’s complement system is used)
(a) 11110001
(b) 11110000
(c) 10001111
(d) None of the above

54. 1 GB is equal to
(a) 230 bits
(b) 230 bytes
(c) 220 bits
(d) 220 bytes

55. All computers—big, medium, or small must have
(a) ALU
(b) Control unit
(c) Primary storage
(d) All of the above

56. A byte consists of
(a) One bit
(b) Four bits
(c) Eight bits
(d) Sixteen bits

57. Which of the following is/are example/s of operating systems? I. Unix/BSD II. GNU/Linux III. Windows IV. Mac OS: Mac OS X
(a) I, II, and III
(b) II, III, and IV
(c) I, III, and IV
(d) All of the above

58. System software designed to help in analyzing, monitoring, configuring, optimizing settings, and maintaining the computer are called as
(a) Application software
(b) Utility software
(c) Groupware
(d) None of the above

59. The general term used for the software that can be copied and used without payment to the author(s), although there may be some restrictions on distribution is
(a) Spyware
(b) Freeware
(c) Malware
(d) None of the above

60. The silicon chips used for data processing are called
(a) RAM chips
(b) ROM chips
(c) Microprocessors
(d) PROM chips

61. The metal disks, which are permanently housed in sealed and contamination free containers are called
(a) Hard disks
(b) Floppy disks
(c) Winchester disks
(d) Flexible disks

62. All modern computers operate on
(a) Information
(b) Floppies
(c) Data
(d) Word

63. Instructions and memory address are represented by
(a) Character code
(b) Binary codes
(c) Binary word
(d) Parity bit

64. The computer size was very large in
(a) First generation
(b) Second generation
(c) Third generation
(d) Fourth generation

65. Microprocessors as switching devices are for which generation computers
(a) First generation
(b) Second generation
(c) Third generation
(d) Fourth generation

66. UNIVAC is
(a) Universal automatic computer
(b) Universal array computer
(c) Unique automatic computer
(d) Unvalued automatic computer

67. Which of the following programming languages is widely used in computer science, engineering and also in business?
(d) LISP

68. The first electronic digital computer contained
(a) Electronic valves
(b) Vacuum tube
(c) Transistors
(d) Semiconductor memory

69. The name of Centre for Development of Advanced Computing’s (C-DAC’s) next generation high performance, scalable, computing cluster, breaking the barrier of computing power of one teraflop is
(a) Param
(b) Chakra
(c) Shri
(d) None of the above

70. Normally, these computers are used in banking, airlines, and railways etc. for their applications. They can accommodate more than 1,000 workstations simultaneously and can process data at a very high speed and can support concurrent programmes. These are
(a) Mainframe computers
(b) Micro computers
(c) Workstations
(d) Super computers

71. Which is used for manufacturing chips?
(a) Bus
(b) Control unit
(c) Semiconductors
(d) a and b only

72. Which of the following is the most powerful computer?
(a) Mini computer
(b) Microcomputer
(c) Mainframe computer
(d) Super computer

73. In which of the following languages, a source programme is written?
(a) English
(b) Symbolic
(c) High level
(d) Temporary

74. The set of computer programs that manage the hardware/software of a computer are called
(a) Compiler system
(b) Operation system
(c) Operating system
(d) None of the above

75. A software that converts a program in assembly language into the machine language is called
(a) Compiler
(b) Assembler
(c) Interpreter
(d) None of the above

76. A software which converts a high-level language program to machine language in one go is called (a) Compiler
(b) Assembler
(c) Interpreter
(d) Loader

77. A computer program that converts an entire program into machine language is called a/an
(a) Interpreter
(b) Simulator
(c) Compiler
(d) Commander

78. A computer program that translates one program instructions at a time into machine language is called a/an
(a) Interpreter
(b) CPU
(c) Compiler
(d) Simulator

79. A small or intelligent device is so-called because it contains within it a
(a) Computer
(b) Microcomputer
(c) Programmable
(d) Sensor

80. Which of the following belongs to the first generation of computers?
(a) AC
(b) IBM 1401
(c) IBM 8090

81. A collection of eight bits is called
(a) Byte
(b) Word
(c) File
(d) Folder

82. The brain of a computer which keeps peripherals under its control is called
(a) Common power unit
(b) Common processing unit
(c) Central power unit
(d) Central processing unit

83. Central processing unit consists of
(a) Input, output, and processor
(b) Input, output, processor, and browser
(c) Control unit, arithmetic logic unit, and primary storage
(d) Control unit, processor, and primary storage

84. ALU stands for
(a) Arithmetic Logic Unit
(b) Array Logic Unit
(c) Application Logic Unit
(d) None of the above

85. The ALU of a computer responds to the commands coming from
(a) Primary memory
(b) Control section
(c) External memory
(d) Cache memory

86. It contains buttons and menus that provide quick access to commonly used commands. It is a
(a) Menu bar
(b) Toolbar
(c) Window
(d) None of the above

87. The type of keys Ctrl, Shift, and Alt belong to is
(a) Adjustment
(b) Function
(c) Modifier
(d) Alphanumeric

88. Which of the following is a part of the central processing unit?
(a) Printer
(b) Keyboard
(c) Arithmetic logic unit
(d) None of the above

89. The instructions for starting the computer are set up on
(a) Random access memory
(b) CD-ROM (c) Read-only memory chip
(d) All of the above

90. ALU of a computer normally contains a number of high-speed storage elements called
(a) Semiconductor memory
(b) Registers
(c) Hard disks
(d) Magnetic disk

91. A factor which would strongly influence a business person to adopt a computer is its
(a) Accuracy
(b) Reliability
(c) Speed
(d) All of the above

92. Keyboard of a computer is encoded in
(a) Baudot code
(b) ASCII code
(c) BCDIC code
(d) EBCDIC code

93. EBCDIC stands for
(a) Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
(b) Extended Bit Code Decimal Interchange Code
(c) Extended Bit Case Decimal Interchange Code
(d) Extended Binary Case Decimal Interchange Code

94. EBCDIC can code up to how many different characters?
(a) 256
(b) 16
(c) 32
(d) 64

95. BCD is
(a) Binary Coded Decimal
(b) Bit Coded Decimal
(c) Binary Coded Digit
(d) Bit Coded Digit

96. ASCII stands for
(a) American Stable Code for International Interchange
(b) American Standard Case for Institutional Interchange
(c) American Standard Code for Information Interchange
(d) American Standard Code for Interchange Information

97. Which is the largest unit of storage among the following?
(a) Terabyte
(b) Megabyte
(c) Kilobyte
(d) Gigabyte

98. CD ROM stands for
(a) Computer Disk Read-only Memory
(b) Compact Disk Read-over Memory
(c) Compact Disk Read-only Memory
(d) Computer Disk Read-over Memory

99. Data can be saved on backing storage medium known as
(a) Compact disk recordable
(b) Computer disk rewriteable
(c) Compact disk rewritable
(d) Computer data rewritable

100. RAM means  
(a) Random Access Memory
(b) Rigid Access memory
(c) Rapid Access Memory
(d) Revolving Access memory

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